Lim Y.C., Managing Director at Kimberly-Clark Malaysia, has carved an impressive path within the company. His tenure of more than five years has been marked by strategic decisions, growth initiatives, and a commitment to Kimberly-Clark’s core values.

He joined Kimberly-Clark in September 2018 and spent three years working as the Sales Director in Malaysia. Later, he started his role as a General Manager.

Lim credits Kimberly-Clark’s values for being the guiding force in his success. One of his biggest accomplishments have been setting up the Malaysia sales organization for future growth; he worked on structured business building, focusing on fundamentals, processing to aid decision making and redefining ways of working. He oversaw growing sales capabilities and talent for the future and building indispensable working relations with retail partners.

Sharing more about his experience, Lim explains that each employee is fully accountable for the profit, loss, and budgets in the company. His team is deeply rooted in the over-arching purpose of providing better care to the environment that we live in, and in doing so they impact lives positively. For everything that we do, we ask ourselves if it’s impacting our ways of working, and then make choices based on the level of impact it has,” Lim adds.

Lim expressed his appreciation for the inclusive organization that Kimberly-Clark is, having an inherently “warm” culture. The values are cultivated by the leadership team who have been working hard to preserve it. “We don’t operate in a cut-throat environment and employees are closely knitted across functions. People do respect and care for one another here,” Lim adds. He also mentions that each employee holds accountability for their performance to support the goal of providing better for our people.

Lim wishes to achieve more at Kimberly-Clark. He wants to leave behind a stronger team who will be able to function and be successful, building capabilities and investing in the right people that allows the organization to continue to flourish. For the community, he hopes Kimberly-Clark’s brands to be top-of-mind for consumers when it comes to what’s best in fulfilling their needs, and for the company to be known for its socio-environmental causes. He encourages those interested in a career at Kimberly-Clark to experience its culture of care and respect. “As an organization, we are always learning and we continue to develop our people, strategies and refine our execution.”